The Festival

The Location

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We have found an idyllic location in nature to turn into a true Babylon paradise. This blank canvas brought us back to the drawing table and in that sense The Monastery seizes to exist.

The Gardens of Babylon festival brings the Seven Gardens that hold anything from Dreams to Desire.

Find yourself on the greenest of pastures, at a majestical lake and in a forest field… Teleport yourself to the land of Babylon. Once you enter the green fields, you’ll start a mystical journey until you leave this world again on Monday.

Will you find yourself in one of the Gardens?
  • The Garden of Dreams
  • The Garden of Motion
  • The Garden of Desire
  • The Garden of Sound
  • The Garden of Spirituality
  • The Garden of Mischief
  • The Garden of Indulgence
  • The Lake

The Festival

How to

get there?

Find us

Avonturenpark De Bergen

Zoetendaal 10 – 5446 PC Wanroij (NL)

By Car

  • Distance from Amsterdam to the festival – 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Distance from Eindhoven to the festival – 45 minutes
  • Distance from Dusseldorf: 1 hour 10 minutes

By Train

  • Closest train station is Boxmeer

By Plane

  • Airport suggestions: Dusseldorf, Eindhoven and Amsterdam.

Check out more

The Location
