The Festival


Home 9 Rules

The Festival

You are entering

Babylon family grounds…

  • The Gardens of Babylon is a place to learn and grow.
  • A place to feel accepted, comfortable, and free. Where love is unconditional and irrefutable.
  • We ask consent for any sexual activity, for any touch, photograph, and even conversation.
  • At The Gardens of Babylon, we appreciate cultures, don’t appropriate them.
  • Always keep yourself and each other safe. There are drinking water taps on site.
  • Political and ideological discussions are better off on Facebook, Telegram, and 4Chan.
  • If you or someone around you is not feeling well, please contact one of the team members, go to the safe zone, and when necessary to first aid.

The Festival



  • The minimum age for this event is 18 years. Visitors have to be in possession of a valid ID, which they have to show on first demand.
  • Visitors have to be in the possession of a valid ticket.
  • The organisation has a strict Zero Tolerance policy regarding drugs: the possession and/or dealing of drugs is completely prohibited at the event. Any evidence suggesting the use and/or possession of drugs will lead to immediate confiscation of the drugs and/or the offender will be handed over to the police.
  • Possession of or dealing laughing gas is not allowed at this event. Any evidence suggesting the use and/or possession of laughing gas leads to confiscation and/or the offender will be handed over to the police.
  • Smoking is not permitted in any enclosed and/or indoor area – this includes any shelter or space covered by a roof.
  • The organisation will search visitors pre-emptively and check their (hand)bags to ensure the safety of its visitors. Possession of glass, plastic bottles, cans, fireworks, drugs, (fire)arms and/or other dangerous or prohibited items or substances, food, (alcoholic) drinks and/or pets are not allowed.
  • Visitors enter the event at their own risk. The organisation takes no responsibility for any damages on any grounds whatsoever, which directly arise out of acts or omissions of the organisation, persons in its service, other persons who are working at the event, or third parties during or in connection with the stay at the event, unless the damage is caused by intent or gross negligence by the organisation.
  • Visitors are advised to wear earplugs, these are available at the event.
  • Wearing a football club shirt, motor club clothing and/or discriminatory clothing is not allowed.
  • It is not allowed to urinate outside of the designated restrooms.
  • Threats, abuse, discrimination, sexual harassment and other offensive behaviour and/or nuisances will not be tolerated.
  • Promotional materials (samples, flyers, etc.) may not be distributed without written permission from the organisation.
  • It is not allowed to bring professional audio or video equipment and make recordings without written permission from the organisation.
  • Upon entering and leaving the event visitors shall not cause nuisance to the neighbourhood.
  • Visitors are not allowed to take cups outside the event grounds.
  • Visitors are held to follow instructions, regulations and/or directions of (security) staff of the event at all times.

The Festival


is sexy!

“I’m glad you think I’m sexy… But actually I don’t care. I’m simply dancing to my favourite music and not to impress you… It does not mean I want you close. Thank you for respecting my personal space.” ― Every person who does not give you consent

  • You need consent for much more than just sexual activity; touching, photographs, even having a simple conversation – everything requires consent.
  • Consent is also more than just saying yes; the person giving consent needs to be in a mental state to agree and have the freedom to say no if they choose to.
  • Consent isn’t just given once; situations change, emotions swing, and people are allowed to change their minds…
  • Consent is an agreement among people to engage in an activity together. To be sure you have consent, you need to be honest with the person in front of you. This will help you both understand what the other wants in order to respect each other’s boundaries.
  • The correct time to ask for consent is: always. Asking for consent means that everyone is being clear about their desires and limits. It is important to acknowledge that this conversation can be scary or awkward, but it doesn’t have to be.


These are a few cute examples that can be used when asking for consent..

  • May I touch/kiss you?
  • Is it ok if I give you a hug?
  • Can I put my arm around you?
  • Can I touch you here?

People change their minds, it’s important to understand that consent can be removed at any time.

  • Can I touch you here?
  • I just want to make sure that you’re ok with it?
  • I don’t want you to feel pressured, can I continue?
  • “NO” means NO, always. Always remember, respect this choice and never try to pressure a person or change their mind. A “NO” doesn’t need any further explanation.

Here are different ways to say no

  • No, thank you.
  • I don’t want to.
  • That doesn’t work for me.
  • I don’t like it this way, can we try something else.
  • This makes me uncomfortable.
  • Maybe we should wait.

You can ask:

  • “Should I keep going?”
  • “Is it ok?”
  • “Do you want me to try something else?”

You might worry that asking for consent sounds a little silly and is going to be a total mood killer, but the alternative is unacceptable. The more you practice asking for consent, the more comfortable you will get with this kind of communication. Consent is necessary and serious, but it doesn’t mean sitting down for a clinical discussion or signing forms.

If you feel comfortable to get closer, talk openly about what you both need and want, it’s perfectly fine and sexy! If you are being asked, be understanding in your responses. If you’re asking, be clear with your wants and be ready to accept “no” as a response. And if your partner makes you uncomfortable in either situation, you need to advocate for yourself or leave the situation.

Please, remember, it is not consent

  • if your partner is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol,
  • if you pressure or force them, or
  • if you got consent for one act but not (yet) for another.

Silence is not consent! The best way to know that you have consent is to ask.

The Gardens of Babylon Festival…

  • All participants are family, people we want to and are able to trust. Let’s keep this place safe for all of us!
  • If you ever feel unsafe or you notice something in your surrounding that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please contact the organisation immediately.

The Festival

Traditional Elements

& Cultural Appropriation

You will see that gleaming caftans/kimono’s, metallic leggings, and feathered headpieces are true staple items amongst our crowd, and we celebrate all fashion styles and (sub)cultures. Yet, we ask you to please be mindful when incorporating traditional elements into your outfit. Wearing ethnic items is fine in most cases and a form of cultural appreciation. But, for example, wearing a feathered headdress that’s too similar to the Native American tradition, is an example of cultural appropriation.

We understand this can be confusing…

And it’s a challenge for many to see where the fine line lies. Take the following as a rule of thumb:

  • Is this an item/style/symbol that people of an ethnic/cultural group would wear leisurely in everyday life?
  • Is it an item/style/symbol that has a very significant cultural or religious status? The latter is definitely not ok.

The Festival

Why we don’t allow you

to bring your own food & drinks

If you know our team, you know food is life. Especially when you’re about to travel to The Gardens of Babylon Festival to party, dance and doing yoga, all relies on good nutrition.

  • We keep food and drinks affordable
  • We make sure we have a variety of vegetarian friendly menus and strive to provide vegan options
  • We will serve from healthy to manly hangover food