The Festival

The gifted healer Julia Hayden

Home 9 news 9 The gifted healer Julia Hayden

Bodywhispering to reach your full potential..

In this interview series, we are honored to feature Julia Hayden, a gifted healer specializing in bodywhispering. Her profound abilities to unlock hidden energies and restore harmony make her sessions a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. By booking a session with Julia, you open yourself up to a world of profound wisdom and transformative power. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience her at the festival in September.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you? What is your background?


I am the Bodywhisperer of Berlin. Bodywhispering does not only concern the physical structures, but it also rather means, that I work with all bodies there are (in Vedic tradition the Koshas or Auras). And by whispering, I refer to a non-verbal communication of all these Koshas with each other, that then manifests in me as stories. As I work on the deep tissue, these stories emerge. That means, your system tells you all the stories through me, that want to be unwrapped in those very moments, when we are working together. And in the midst of this a reconciliation happens in you and you connect to your Universal purpose of being here in this world.

My professional background starts with special education, leads through physiotherapy and Rolfing® (deep tissue work), Neuro-Integration (brain-centered micro-kinesiology), Positive Psychology (NLP, Integral methods), Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shiatsu, meridian techniques), Vedic Tradition (Tantra Yoga, studies of Upanishads) and Shaman practice (Drumming, Dreaming, Shapeshifting).

My human journey began with the decision of being born as me into this world. Throughout my life, from the very beginning, up until today I am being challenged regularly to keep on holding on to my Universal roots and the purpose of why I came here.

The biggest gift to me is to support each and every one of my clients to connect deeply with their personal source, to understand that innate unique magic, that is theirs and to begin cultivating and owing that special superpower that lies within them individually.

Is this the first time you will be joining The Gardens of Babylon?

Julia: Yes, this is my first time, and I am super grateful to be part of this magical group of people!

What lead you to The Gardens of Babylon in the first place?

Julia: More than twenty years ago, I made a manifestation that said: “I am working with the heroes of the 21st century.” I did not know, how this work would look like, but from then on, anyone I met, was a hero for me. Then, one day, I did a session with Shishi, when she was in Berlin. And to me, she was not only a hero, she was far beyond this term. That was somehow magical, and we connected. In my most beautiful of all worlds I wanted to work with her at least once. And that is now!

What are you providing at Spiritual Garden?

Julia: I am providing Bodywhispering Sessions, one-on-one, and as it does not exhaust me at all, I can work at any hour!

Who would you recommend joining?

Julia: Anyone who has some blockages (like loss of energy, pain, suffering, …) that have not been recognized as potential yet. Means, that the things are taking away the full potential to grow beyond and into the Universal reason for being here.

What are you looking forward to the most this edition?

Julia: I am looking forward to the energy field that creates itself through music and sounds, nature, happy people and each one of us working with these open hearts and spirits. And I am looking especially forward to what may open up in each session I am allowed to give!

Do you want to read more about Julia Hayden and her work please visit her website here: or
You can find her Friday, Saturday and Sunday in The Spiritual Garden for a Body Whispering Session.